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Brian Stack

CEO / Chief Scientist

Brian Stack, Chief Scientist & Cofounder, photo

Brian has over 40 years of software industry experience. He has started multiple companies spanning from the early 1980s to present, including one that went public (NASDAQ) and another that became venture funded. He has 5 US and 2 international patents to his name with more pending. Technologies include programmer-less systems that have built-in data-rich collaboration. Brian invented and deployed self-customizing user environments that automatically morphed as they proactively anticipated user needs.

Brian has launched and managed products including targeted solutions that have become recognized and respected name brands, including technology that generates machine written user documentation with minimal interaction and without the need for any programming. The technology was referenced in an MIT report as “...completely novel and substantive.” Brian started his career working for multinationals involved with or leading software products that allowed entry into new markets and broke accepted technical boundaries.

Brian is a public speaker and has business awards for Entrepreneur of the Year in New England and Up and Comers in the South. He is married to a wonderful wife of 32 years with two extraordinary children.

Location: Arkansas

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